Phani's Blog Corner

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A night with the Piper and the Princess

Anoushka Shankar (Princess) and Jethro Tull (The Piper Ian Anderson from the band) have put up a fantastic show to night and it was my great honor to witness this great and rare event. Out of this world, truly remarkable, psychedelic, sonorous, splendid, mind boggling, stupendous, awesome, amazing, fantabulous - all these phrases put together "kiiiiiiind of" begin to describe how I feel about the show.

It was an extremely well planned show. While I was still musing what a great beginning Anoushk's introductory sitar recital under the steady golden yellow light, was, to the show, along came Jethro Tull with their retro themed psychedelic lighting effects and songs from the early days or some even from the days before the band was formed or named. Ian Anderson made a very sneaky entry from one corner of the dias with his magical flute. While I definitely cannot call myself a die hard Tull fan, thanks to Rajiv and Sachin I have been exposed to couple of their popular numbers like "Aqualung", "Bouree", "Locomotive Breath", "Thick as a Brick", etc. I definitely did enjoy all of them thru the show but, the icing on the cake at least for me and most of the people was the way they concluded the show in fusion. The way they exited the stage and came back for an encore of "fusion"ed version of Locomotive Breath was a pleasent surprise. The composition and the performance of this last song was phenomenal and what one would and should call "absolutely rocking". Be it the absolute energy and wit of the 60+ year old Ian Anderson or the charming grace and skill of Anoushka Shankar or the synergy of both during the fusion performances everything was exremely good and has definitely left people speechless and clapping.

It is at times like these that my mind wanders to the basic fact of how beautiful and well equipped a city Hyderabad is. We have a state of the art international conference center which can cater to nothing less than 10,000 people at a go and after today I realize that we also do have a place to conduct concerts of international standards indoors with a live audience of at least 2000+. Given the recent terror strike on Bombay and Hyderabad being high up of the list for a next target I have to confess that initially during the concert I did have a jitter or two thinking about all the scary things that could happen. All thanks to AP Police and the event security, everything went well.

