Phani's Blog Corner

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Jill Jill Jiga!

Have you forgotten your college days? Will you ever? No way! It has been 5 years since I got out of college but, it feels like yesterday. I still remember very vividly the day my EAMCET results were out. Little did my father realize waking up that day how he was going to be in for a surprise looking at his talented son's ranking state wide ;). May be I am bragging here a bit but, being the 904th out of a million who took the test isn't that bad ain't it? I remember going to the counseling session where I met my friend from 6th grade, Kishan after many years. He incidentally was also ranked 904th in the state because of a clash in scores secured. The EAMCET board resolved such clashes by letting the candidates with the same rank in an alphabetical order of their names to secure their seats in the various colleges and branches still open for admissions. I still remember the plentitude of jokes around naming kids to be high up in the alphabetical order just so they have that extra edge. My classmate and a good friend from Jr. college Krishna Kumar was the first to join CBIT that year, he took up a seat in the Computer Science branch. It was the day before I went in for counseling and me my dad were watching the computer science seats in the top colleges get filled up, that is when we met Kishore and his father. He had a 908 rank to his credit so we went into the counseling halls together the next day. I still keep thinking how lucky we were to pick up 2 of the last few seats remaining in the Computer Science department at CBIT. I still remember the first official day at college when they took us along with our parents on a grand tour of the campus. Little did we realize that the real fun was about to start. The fun lasted 4 years all of which went by like a breeze. Lots of memories, the one night preps, the parties, the big booze session :) oh! I have a long long list of them. All of these memories came gushing back to me as I watched "Happy Days". Couldn't agree more, indeed they were.
I duly thanked my dad while walking out of the hall for pushing me to take the Comp. Sci. seat at CBIT instead of some new college even though it was an expense he could have done without.

