Absolute Splendor - that's what this book. Simplicity is the style but, once you start turning pages you'll be amazed at how the shallow looking simplicity has abysmal meanings underneath it. Reading this book is like eating a crackling chocolate. Like the chocolate creates it's last crackle as it slips down the throat, the profoundness behind the slang ridden simple statements strikes you like a flash as it goes down your memory lane. It's a light book, an easy read and hence, a must read. I haven't read any J.D. Salinger in life but, I think this is the best book he ever could have written. I heard that only J.D. Salinger's "The Heart of a Broken Story" even comes close to this book of his. Naturally I am eager to read it but, unable to procure a (legal unused) copy. Sad! Very Sad! Even in this so called electronic age we have to live with short supply of such classics.
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